Ben Frost C/o Brooklynite

June 21, 2009

Once upon a time, way out in the Hood of Brooklyn @ 334 Malcom X Blvd. by the Utica stop, there was a gallery called the Brooklynite. And even though this gallery was located in the heart of Brooklyn where Art is found on the streets and not on the walls of shops, this gallery attracted talent from lands far and wide. One day a Contemporary Pop artist from Australia by the name of Ben Frost decided to exhibit his talent and a party ensued. With a wall installation, some incredible music care of DJ Kool Herc and Rifle Recoil, Shaved Ice and libations even the bad weather couldn’t keep the connoisseurs of the finer things away. What… You say this is a tale is to tall and one for fools at that! Well, to you I say feast your eyes at the beauty of these saturated canvases and know fantasy only as a overwhelming consumer reality! Enjoy…


Group Show “+2” at Sloan

June 20, 2009

Finally the rain clears and a decent show presents itself in the city or should I say +2 Shows. What a Saturday! Sloan Fine Art on 128 Rivington in the L.E.S. was packed with people in anticipation of Jonathan Weiner’s new portraits of beautiful female audiophiles and the the summer group show featuring Sixty Six of the cities biggest and brightest artists showing their skills on 10″x10″ canvases. The names include Eric Amouyal, NaNa An, Sarah Bedford, Bengala, Erik Benson, Chris Berens, Jud Bergeron, John Bowman, Kris Chatterson, Vince Contarino, Orly Cogan, Dame Darcy, Peter Drake, Joel Dugan, Steve Ellis, Evah Fan, Chad Fay, Lori Field, Erik Foss, Lauren Gibbes, Frieda Gossett, Kady Grant, Seonna Hong, Greg Hopkins, Caroline Hwang, Jordin Isip, Jasmine Justice, David Kramer, Tasha Kusama, Michael L. Maes, Julia Marchand, Austin McCormick, Elizabeth McGrath, Adele Mildred, Benjamin Paul Morris, Linsday Mound, John Nickle, David O’Brien, Saejean Oh, Saelee Oh, Reba Pardieu, Marion Peck, Martha Rich, Jean-Pierre Roy, Rachel Salomon, Kristen Schiele, Brian T. Scott, Ryan Scully, Sueraya Shaheen, Jill Simonsen, Morgan Slade, Sally Sloan, Aaron Smith, Owen Smith, Nathan Spoor, Maki Tamura, The John Floyd, Mark Todd, Sarah Trigg, Hanna von Goeler, Esther Watson, Eric White, Justin White and Brad Woodfin. Wow!!! You don’t have to take my word for it, just take a look at some of the galleries offerings with Wiener leading the front of the pack.


June 13, 2009

The week when nothing happened… The weather has been crappy and nothing good seems to be happening in the city. Hold Tight and will have updates as they come. In the mean time here are some pictures from the past…


The Highline by Night

June 12, 2009

IMG_2152IMG_2151IMG_2158IMG_2155The Highline Park was opened last Tuesday, but the weather was horrible and I hadn’t had a chance to make it until tonight. Come check out the beautiful views care of the 10th Ave Crossway.


LeoKesting:Jonny Fenix

June 11, 2009

Tonight Leo Kesting Opened the doors to Jonny Fenix : Swing the Door Wide. Great show, very iconic, current, and subliminal in some regards. Incredible line image screen style. Damn  this is the second time I’m here in two weeks!



June 10, 2009

This week I saw a pretty nice presentation for Vans Off the Wall Book Release @ the Power House Arena in Dumbo! Umong the speakers was my idol Steve Caballero, the Notorious Tony Alva, and the head of Vans Steve Van Doren. Good Books, Great beer, and a room fuller of skaters, too bad the arena wasn’t equipped with a halfpipe!



June 9, 2009

Somehow I am getting behind in my old age. Found these pics from the Leo Koenig Gallery on 23rd and 9th featuring the work of Bill Saylor from the opening last week. Good work with large installations of tropical places w/ sharpie sketch’s, paint, and engines. Reminds me of growing up in the 80’s



June 8, 2009

The demolition has started and New Ground is being broken here at HiddenAgenda. Soon, hopefully by the end of the month we will have the studio open and be ready for business! Check back for our progress_


Sundays in the Park

June 7, 2009

Went to the park today and was pleasantly surprised by the number of people. A good day goes a long way!



June 6, 2009





